Classroom Inclusivity Encourages STEM Outside School

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. Feeling able to accomplish a skill begins with confidence. When it comes to STEM education, that confidence starts with inclusivity. According to a new North Carolina State University study, creating a sense of belonging in classrooms helps students feel more capable of working on STEM subjects outside of school. What Inclusivity Looks […]

Black History Month Offers Opportunity to Reflect on STEM Leaders

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. We have been celebrating STEM pioneers as part of Black History Month throughout this month. It is essential to reflect on these amazing innovators and their contributions. Honoring Black STEM heroes this month and every month serves many purposes. I want to address two here specifically: 1. Honoring these individuals […]

Tech Skills Gaps: The Role of STEM Education

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. Next-level tech skills are in high demand, as I recently wrote about jobs that will be created over the next decade. However, we’re already seeing a huge gap between the candidates equipped with these skills and the number needed to fill available positions. STEM education will play a significant role in closing that gap, […]

1 Million Reasons to Focus on STEM Jobs

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. It is projected that there will be one million STEM jobs by the end of the decade. This new data shows that STEM careers are showing as much potential as when I founded C-STEM more than two decades ago. Therefore, the need to level the playing field for students with less […]

Promising STEM Careers Don’t Always Require a Degree

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. Do high-paying STEM careers require college degrees? Here at C-STEM, we focus on K-12 STEM education, often with the goal of a college degree. Ultimately, we strive to give underrepresented students the opportunities they need to establish fulfilling careers and turn the tide for the next generation of students. However, […]

Impact on Student Attainment: Ethnicity vs. Socio-economics

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. I recently attended a conference, and a loaded question raised from a member of the audience was, “When it comes to student attainment, which factor has the potential to hold a student back more? Is it ethnicity or socio-economic background? Their questions inspired me to challenge the audience to think […]

What the Critical Race Theory Debate Could Mean for STEM Education

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. You have probably seen the term critical race theory (CRT) a lot lately. Unfortunately, the issue has become highly divisive and politicized. However, we need to focus on proposed changes’ impact on today’s students, future careers, and our communities. The Debate Around Critical Race Theory What is critical race theory, […]

How to Pay for College Without Loans

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. As we get closer to the fall semester, many high school graduates are still deciding their paths. They are wondering how to pay for college without loans, whether to take a year off, and/or whether to pursue a college degree at all. So this month, I want to take a […]

Why K-12 Students Need to Learn Artificial Intelligence

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. It’s easy to think of artificial intelligence (AI) as a technology that is decades away from everyday use. Many people may also be aware of current applications, like chatbots on websites. However, AI is being implemented in a wide variety of industries. Its use will only continue to grow, and […]

Addressing Barriers for Multilingual Students

Written by: Reagan Flowers, Ph.D. As a STEM community, we know that our economically disadvantaged students, minorities, females, and disabled students continue to face barriers. However, as we continue our mission to ensure success in STEM for every student, there is another quickly growing group of students we need to consider: multilingual students. These learners […]